Wasted Party Girl Gets Her Nipples Sucked In Public 0

Time & Date: October 18, 2005 @ 4:50 am

Everyone knows that drunk girls are an easy target. I just don’t understand why they are even easier when it comes to a woman. I mean, is it socially acceptable to be a slut with a woman, but not a man? I know if a dude, even a close friend, were to try and lick my nipples, he would find himself sucking on my fist. instead.

The eye-candy is beautiful, but I most definitely would want to get me a piece, after seeing that. Especially when they’re just flaunting it in public, with no descretion whatsoever. Women are great, aren’t they!? Most of the time anyway…

Free Sites:
Uncensored Drunks / Viva Voyeur / Amateurs Gone Wild

Sponsored By:
Easy Drunk Girls

Drunk Night Club Nipple Licker 32

Time & Date: September 22, 2005 @ 12:45 am

I love horny club girls. They’re usually cute, drunk (or rollin’ on E) and completely uninhibited. In my book, that makes for quite the mixture. Just throw in an ‘easy’ with all that and we’re definitely in business.

In my opinion, public nipple lickers are just in it for the attention they get, but I ain’t complaining! When in doubt, whip it out. Right, ladies?

Free Sites:
Teen Rave Pictures / Amateurs Gone Wild / Drunk Galleries

Sponsored By:
Sex In The VIP

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