Celebrity Nipple Slip - Kate Moss
Kate Moss is another one who has been in the news and gossip columns lately. I’ve never really thought much of Kate Moss in the past. I never really thought she was all that hot during her heyday, or even now, but she’s another one who has been in the news and gossip columns lately. She was caught on camera snorting rails of cocaine in some New York night club, for those of you who are unaware.
I’m not sure why everyone is so surprised and shocked about Kate doing coke. I mean, doing bumps in public wasn’t a smart move on her part, but did everyone really suspect she was squeaky-clean? A washed-up super model, dating a rocker and still frequenting the New York City club scene? C’mon, how did people not see this coming? You would amazed of the amount of people out there who are cocaine users, or any drugs in general. Kate Moss was just stupid by using in public, and she got caught…by the whole world. Ouch!
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