Celebrity Nipple Slip - Calista Flockhart

Time & Date: November 25, 2005 @ 6:05 pm

Who would’ve thunk that good ole “Alley McBeal” would expose and flaunt her pretty, little titties to the public? Actually, I never really thought much of Calista Flockhart, also known as the title character on Fox’s now cancelled TV show, “Alley McBeal”. I always thought she was kinda cute, but she was also WAY too skinny. Plus, I hated that show.

It looks like Calista’s at some sort of red-carpet event, with her lover, Harrison Ford. I’m not sure if they’re still a couple or not, but they were at one time. Interestingly enough, my dad actually went to high school with Harrison Ford. He doesn’t remember him though from those days. He said, “He must have been some kind of nerd or I would’ve known him.” Of course, my dad was also a leader of a large greaser gang back then. But, yeah…check out Calista Flockhart’s tits in her see-thru outfit.

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48 Responses to “Celebrity Nipple Slip - Calista Flockhart”

  1. Andrew Said:

    This is by far my fav pic of Calista, would you happen to have anymore from that night?

  2. Administrator Said:

    That’s all I have.:( Did you click on the link marked “Calista Flockhart’s tits”? That’s another pic from that night

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