Drunk Cutie Slips Her Nipple at a Costume Party

Time & Date: April 4, 2006 @ 3:44 pm

I’ve always liked going to costume parties. It’s kind of fun to dress up in a costume and be someone else for the night. I don’t think you’d catch me dressing like one of the Village People, like the fruitloops below, but I usually dress up like something, or another. Plus, a lot of times, that’s like a green light for girls to dress half-naked and like a slut, which always makes attending the party worth it to some degree. Especially, if you can finish getting her all-the-way naked. :mrgreen:

This nipple slip looks like she’s a victim of a loose clothing and small tits. If she made the costume, or rented it, it probably didn’t fit right to begin with. She probably took a gamble, by wearing that loose-fitting costume, and once the alcohol started flowing, she lost that gamble. As a result, we get to see Pocahontas’ nipple make itself visible.

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