Downblouse View on Drunk College Party Girl

Time & Date: April 14, 2006 @ 10:17 pm

I don’t know what it is about a girl running around in her bra and panties, but I find it very sexy, and cute. Throw in a few drunk college girls, away from home for their first time, and completely uninhibited, and you got yourself quite the shindig.

It looks like another theme party, maybe an underwear party where everyone attends dressed in, hopefully clean, underwear, or their sexiest lingerie. Though, this drunk coed looks pretty cute from this angle, her very small tits just don’t fit into that bra of hers. We have a pretty decent downblouse view of almost her entire little titty. Apparently, she’s going to be sampling some dark meat on that night, too. ;)

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Drunk Galleries / My Drunk Girls / Sexy, Drunk & Funny

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Wild College Parties

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