Downblouse Nip Slip on Drunk Sorority Girl

Time & Date: May 10, 2006 @ 8:21 pm

There’s always been something I’ve loved about sorority girls. I think it’s the idea of so many young, naive girls in one place, together; having cocktails, getting drunk, talking about dick-size, then having a pillow fight in their skimpy nighties and it all ends in a sweaty heap of naked, lesbian lust. That is, of course, until the men arrive, where they have the task of satisfying all those horny coeds. A man’s job is never done, is it?

It never hurt anyone to have an active imagination. Of course, I’m sure none of those things happen in a sorority house. They’re girls. They’re made of sugar, spice and everything nice. But not men. When we see an opportunity to catch a downblouse shot of a drunk sorority girl’s tit/nip slip, we’re going to take it, and maybe even exploit it, if possible. It’s a good thing for booze or we may never get to see girls exposing themselves, accidentally or not.

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Drunk Galleries / Viva Voyeur / Drunk College Pics

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