New Social Adult Site

Time & Date: September 15, 2006 @ 6:10 pm

Hey guys and gals! I just got a new site going that I would really like it if you checked it out. It’s a social site for adults, where you can view, discover, vote, submit and share both other surfers’ favorites, and of course, your own favorite adult links, pages, posts or whatever. You have to create an account to participate, but it’s totally FREE, and with no sneaky tricks, whatsoever. It’s called All Fluff (as in “fluff your stuff”) and it’s actually kind of fun. It’s still in it’s infancy, but with your help we can build a high quality free site for adults. So, please check it out, submit some links and vote (or ‘Fluff’) for your favorites. :D

Check it out here:
All Fluff (main page) - Main page of the latest links added in real-time.
Surfer’s Favorites - The highest rated links by you and other surfers
Tag Cloud - The most popular tags/categories viewed and submitted.

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