Forced Titty Slip on Drunk College Girl

Time & Date: February 25, 2007 @ 9:16 am

I like this guy’s spirit! He knows what he wants and he’s just taking it. Well, maybe not taking it, but he’s definitely showing it to the rest of us. And this drunk college girl doesn’t seem like she’s trying too hard to stop him from forcing her titty to be exposed to the public. In my book, that’s a very good sign that she’s super wasted and very willing.

I guess you really can’t consider this a titty slip, but her tit is exposed against her will, so that’s almost just as good. Especially when it’s a drunk and naive coed letting some guy feel her up and pull her boobs out while dancing at a party. They’re not too far from disappearing into some back room for some quick, sloppy, drunken sex. Sometimes, that’s the best kind of sex! ;)

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12 Responses to “Forced Titty Slip on Drunk College Girl”

  1. Arco Said:

    That’s no co-ed! Those people are Eurotrash! Look at the $30 vinyl jacket and the polyester pullover on the dude to the right - only Bulgarians and Montenegrins dress like that! Still a hot photo though.

  2. robert Said:

    if you got to force it it is not worth looking at it. NO ONE has the right to force any one to todo some thing they are not comfortable doing!!!!!

  3. Administrator Said:

    Thanks for the lesson in morality, Robert…

  4. Wombat Said:

    Everyones a fashion critic. Robert cannot prove that she is being forced to do this against her will. Its still a hot pic !

  5. Elex Said:

    Acro, you forgot the Vinyl cowboy-wannabe boots on the gal in the background. You’re right, definetly Eurotrash.

    The only thing wrong with the pic is that her breast is too squished - you can’t make out it’s real shape or anything… Shame, since it looks like she has decent-looking tits, judging by the size/color/texture of the nipple & areola.

  6. Wombat Said:

    Hang on who is using my name here?
    I did not leave the message at 6:08pm

  7. Elex Said:

    That was me. Not you.
    But for some reason it said Wombat.

  8. Wombat Said:

    I like balls

  9. Administrator Said:

    Are you not getting your money’s worth?

  10. Dodo Said:

    I like this photo very much, and I am DREAM to make this by myselfe . DREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEM

  11. sobe Said:

    where can i find a video of this?

  12. mike rahoi Said:

    you guys are pathetic

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