Hot Party Girl Slips a Nipple for a Drunken Pose

Time & Date: November 30, 2005 @ 7:27 pm

Such a wonderful site to see, a group of party-girl hotties, getting primed and drunk for their ‘girl’s night out’. Ready to flaunt their stuff all over town.

These types of group of girls can either go two ways. One, they could be that group that defends eachother from drunk men on the prowl, or two, they could be that group that all goes out together, but all leave with different men they’ve picked up. The group that defends eachother usually have a few uglies in the mix. These girls are hot, and since at least one of them is letting it all hang out, and slipping a nipple, I’m going to guess they’re on the prowl themselves. God bless the lucky dudes that get to take on of these drunk lovlies home.

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One Response to “Hot Party Girl Slips a Nipple for a Drunken Pose”

  1. Norm Said:

    Superb! She’s gorgeous … AND she doesn’t know her nipple has slipped out! I’m in love.

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