Downblouse Shot on Drunk Party Girl

Time & Date: January 9, 2006 @ 1:13 am

When I hear the word, “dangle”, the first image that pops into my mind is two beautiful boobies swaying and dangling in my face, as some hottie rides me like a horny cowgirl on crack. Yee-Haw! It’s always a beautiful image to look up and seeing those puppies swinging, gently smacking you in the face every now and then.

This drunk party girl isn’t riding anyone yet, but she’s getting into position it looks like. I’m not sure what she’s doing or what she’s doing it on. I’m guessing it’s drunken acrobatics for the camera, which happens quite often at parties. The type of photos that are sometimes embarrassing after you’ve sobered up. This downblouse shot may be embarrassing for the girl, but I’m sure most of you will agree, that she has left us with one hot and sexy photo.

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