Forced Nipple Lashing on Drunk Club Girl

Time & Date: February 17, 2006 @ 1:08 am

You have to respect a man that knows what he wants and takes it. He sees it in his mind’s eye, zeros in on it and makes his move, abruptly and aggressively. Women love that shit, too. They will say that they want a nice, passive and sensitive man, but once they get it all they want is man to treat them like dirt. I believe there’s even a song called, “Chicks Dig Assholes”.

This dude doesn’t appear to be holding back even an little bit. It looks like he just went up to this drunk club cutie, yanked her top down, and began to give her nipple a tongue lashing. Unfortunately for him (and us), she caught him before his tongue made contact to her nipple, or more importanly, before the nipple even made an appearance! We do get a little shot of her areola, the darkened area around he nipple, though.

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One Response to “Forced Nipple Lashing on Drunk Club Girl”

  1. Poobath Said:

    Whoa. Where is that chicks left hand coming from? It looks like it’s growing out of her chest. Shit that picture creeps me out.

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