Drunk Girl’s Titties Exposed by Her Girlfriend

Time & Date: April 14, 2006 @ 5:18 am

I know it’s nothing new to see a drunk girl flashing her tits in public. Girls Gone Wild made drunk coeds flashing flashing their young boobies virtually a household favorite. At least it’s a favorite in my household; my household of one. But you got to love the unsuspecting drunk chick getting her blouse ripped open, by her drunk girlfriend, exposing her tits to the public!

Judging by her expression, I still can’t tell if she was wise to her titty exposure before-hand, or if she’s totally surprised by her girlfriend’s actions. One thing I do know is, she’s definitely not upset about her bare boobs being forcefully flashed in public. Always a good sign that she might be willing to to show you the whole shootin’ match in private, if you play your cards right.

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