Sassy Party Girl Slips Her Nipple Backstage

Time & Date: May 2, 2006 @ 1:31 am

I used to be a drummer in a punk-rawk rock band, and any loose and easy women that were hanging around backstage looked nothing like these too fine party girls. The again, my band never did get many groupies. I think we were too stand-offish. I got laid more for being a drummer than I did for being in medium sized act. Apparently, chicks dig drummers. Like DJs, that pounding rythm makes them squirm in their little, cotton panties.

This hot party girl looks like sex in a green dress. I love it when petite women are completely naked under some loose and skimpy little number. With her nipple slipping out the top of that green dress is almost like she’s purposely teasing the camera. She looks like she has spectacular tits, too. In my opinion, she looks like she came to the backstage of that night club to get some action from one of the muscians.

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