Celebrity Nipple Slip - Cameron Diaz

Time & Date: May 5, 2006 @ 9:38 pm

We haven’t heard much from Cameron Diaz, lately. No recent major movies or bigtime Hollywood scandals that I can think of, besides the fact that she’s been dating Justin Timberlake for quite some time. Another celebrity that fell off the map. I barely even remember who he is, but I definitely haven’t forgotten Cameron. A couple of years ago, an old fetish movie was found, where Cameron Diaz had a role as a topless dominatrix of sorts. I believe she sued someone to stop it from going public, because it was obviously done before she was a well-known actress. If you do a search I’m sure you can find a clip from that tape, or follow the sponsor link for this post and they have a free one minute clip from her sex tape.

Cameron Diaz has been nude before, so seeing her nipple’s isn’t all that big of a deal. When she accidentally exposes her nipple(s) to the public - now that’s hot. Evidently, this is an older photo, otherwise I’m assuming she would be with the ‘N Sync geek, but maybe it will hold us over until we see Cameron Diaz’s next movie. Hopefully, it’ll be a bit more “adult” in nature since her career has went south.

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