Coed’s Nipple Exposed by Drunk Horny Dude

Time & Date: July 9, 2006 @ 8:55 pm

I love how this drunk horndog takes it upon himself to take a looksie at this coed’s nipples, like it’s no big deal. Obviously, it isn’t a big deal, judging by the look on her face. She’s a little surprised by his cockiness, perhaps, but she’s not making any attempt to stop him, or cover herself. I wonder what else she would’ve let him see?

I’m sure she’s drunk, too, or maybe she’s just easy. If I would’ve known I can just go ahead and take a gander at the goods, at will, I would’ve been doing it a long time ago. Shit. I usually get smacked when I do something lkike that to my own girlfriend, let alone some chick I met at a party. Kudos to him for having the gift.

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