College Party Girl Lets Her Nipple Slip 6

Time & Date: April 26, 200 @ 11:02 pm

I’m sure most of you would agree with me when I say, “I love when chicks wear tops like this!” Not only does that massive cleavage leave a LOT to the imagination, but it’s sexy as hell. Now, the coloring on this photo is a bit off, but if you follow her cleavage down, you will see what is the beginning of a nip slip; an ‘areola slip’, if you will. And apparently, she was teasing all the boys by letting those beautiful guns hang-out all night long. If I were there, all I would be able to think about is what I would like to be sliding in between them. :mrgreen:

Something tells me that this little group of college party girls had no problem getting the attention of the men-folk on this particular night. Her big, natural boobs hanging-out, the phallic symbol going for towards her lips, a yummy little blonde as a sidekick…I wish I was the lucky guy that scored with one (or all) of them that night! I would even be happy to have the privilege to hang with them, just so I could drool over them all night.

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Drunk College Girl’s Nipple Slips from Bikini 2

Time & Date: April 24, 200 @ 9:44 pm

Ah, yes. There’s nothing like getting drunk on the beach, under the piping hot sun. Of course, I’m being sarcastic, but a hot sun has never stopped from drinking before. Apparently, it’s not stopping these cute and wild honies, either, which is great otherwise we might not be seeing her nipple/titty slipping out of her bikini right now.

The beach in my town, we are not allowed to drink on the beach, so that would be a luxury for me. No thongs allowed on the beach either! What kind of beach doesn’t allow girls in thongs or drinking? Mine, apparently, but that’s not the point. The point is I rarely get to see this drunk girls on the beach.

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