Celebrity Nipple Slip - Mischa Barton 4 1

Time & Date: June 18, 200 @ 7:17 pm

As some of you may already know, I’ve posted several nip slips of Mischa Barton here, before. But she’s just so damn cute and sexy, and the paparazzi is always catching her with her beautiful boobies, braless, unconfined and flying free. What’s a man with a website specializing in nipple slips to do?

I think I’ve said just about all I can say about Mischa Barton that I haven’t already said in previous posts of her, so I’ll just let you get to the photo(s) and enjoy. ;)

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Celebrity Nipple Slip - Jessica Simpson 3 1

Time & Date: May 1, 200 @ 12:24 am

Yes, this is the third time I’ve posted a photo of Jessica Simpson involved in some sort of public, yet accidental nipple exposure. And if you’re asking yourself, “Gee, I wonder if this guy has a ‘thing’ for Jessica Simpson?”, the answer is, “Yes, I do.” I’m not into her music or anything, but I do think she’s one of the most beautiful creatures on this planet. I mean, how can you not love an all-natural, big-titty, blonde bimbo? And that’s meant as compliment.

These photos of Jessica Simpson have been floating around the Net for quite a while, now, but I’ve never seen one this good. Not only does she look incredibly gorgeous, but those beautiful big natural boobs are on the very edge of busting-out of her top. As you can see, it’s not a perfect nip slip, but definitely the next best thing.

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Celebrity Nipple Slip - Tara Reid 5

Time & Date: February 1, 200 @ 6:01 pm

This is woman who needs no introduction. These days, Tara Reid is kind of a sorry excuse for a “celebrity”, since she’s now mostly famous for being stumbling drunk somewhere and accidentally exposing her tits or ass. In this photo, she’s still looking pretty hot, so I’m not sure how long ago it was taken. Either she’s recently cleaned herslef up, or this was taken before she became a lush.

Obviously, this photo is not your traditional nip slip, like we’re used to seeing, but definitely inadvertently exposing her nipples to the public. Even though her original nip slip showed us all her jacked-up boobs, I still enjoy looking at them. After all, it’s STILL Tara Reid’s tits! :mrgreen:

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Celebrity Nip Slip - Sienna Miller 0

Time & Date: January 2, 200 @ 9:02 am

I really don’t know much about Sienna Miller except that she’s a total hottie and she and Jude Law used to be a couple. Well, that’s not exactly true. I also know she’s an actress and once a model. I’ve seen some sexy photos of her not weariung very much at all, and that’s when she won me over. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find those pics to show you what I mean. Luckily, I have a few photos of her with her nipple(s) slipping out of her dress and into the public eye. It’s not Sienna posing scantily-clad, but I’d much rather take a nip slip anyday, over that.

Sienna Miller could be considered an international celebrity, because she’s American born, as well as working mainly in the U.S., but she was raised in the U.K. As I mentioned above, she got her start as a print fashion model, before she entered the world of acting, landing big roles in such flicks as, “Casanova” with Heath Ledger and the remake of “Alfie” with Jude Law (which I’m assuming is where her and ol’ Jude hooked-up). Since she’s on the market now, I wonder if she knows that I’m also single. *hint, hint*

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Celebrity Nipple Slip - Dominique Swain 4

Time & Date: November 30, 2006 @ 8:13 pm

If you’re not familiar Dominique Swain, she’s probably most well-known for her role in the film, “Lolita”, as the object of desire. She’s also a known voice and “activist” in the whole animal rights thang. She’s been acting in indie flicks, B-movies and TV ever since, “Lolita”, but no break-out performances, as of yet. That’s OK, though, because she’s very easy on the eyes, in my opinion.

Upon first glance, it only appears that Ms. Swain is only slipping her areola, but if you look closely, you can see her, long, erect nipple being folded and squeezed out of her bra, resulting in what we like to call around here, a nip slip. Now, there’s only been very few scenes where Dominique Swain has bared her tits, but unfortunately no shots where the camera hangs on her breats for any length of time. Judging by the path most actresses eventually take to get recognized, she should be appearing in softcore porn very soon. God willing.

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Celebrity Nipple Slip - Amber Tamblyn 2

Time & Date: November 7, 2006 @ 5:42 pm

Just in time of the release of “Grudge 2″, it’s young star, Amber Tamblyn, slips her nipple for the paparazzi. To be honest, I’ve never really even heard of her until I looked up some info on Amber, so I could post her nip slip. There’s no doubt Ms. Tamblyn is a cutie, and judging by this photo, she has some cute, little titties (and nipples, of course), as well.

Apparently, Amber Tamblyn has been an actress since a young age, dating as far back as 1995. Now, at age 22, she’s trying to break into the A-list. Or at least into the B-list. It IS Grudge “2″ after all. On the other hand, she was a TV actress and that’s not always an easy transition, from TV to film. Just as long she keeps flashing some skin, and nipples, from time to time, she never has to be all that great of an actress. Look at Paris.

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Celebrity Nipple Slip - Devon Aoki 45

Time & Date: October 11, 2006 @ 3:24 am

I never knew this chick’s name until I ran across this nip slip pic of her. Devon Aoki is her name and I believe she got her start as a runway/magazine model. It must be her exotic, pouty and innocent looks mixed with sex appeal. I didn’t notice Devon Aoki until I saw the movie, “Sin City” where she plays one of the bad ass hookers, towards the end of the film.

It turns out, Devon Aoki has been a several somewhat-known flicks out there, including “2 Fast 2 Furious” and the very stupid, “D.E.B.S.”. Not exactly Oscar material, but it seems she likes to play the sexy, mysterious, bad ass, superheroine chick. She’s petite, feminine and dainty yet she can easily take-out a group of muscle heads with only a few swift kicks, as they patiently wait their turn to attack her. Isn’t Hollywood great!?

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Celebrity Nipple Slip - Kate Bosworth 39

Time & Date: September 22, 2006 @ 10:48 pm

I never thought I would see super-cutie, Kate Bosworth’s boobies. She just seems like she’s too much of a goodie-two-shoes to be naked, or topless, in movies. She’s more of a “America’s Sweetheart” type celebrity, than a sultry seductress of the silver screen. Though a downblouse view isn’t the ideal way I would like to see Kate Bosworth’s boob(s), it’s better than never seeing her boobs at all, and we have a pretty good view, all things considered. Definitely more of a downblouse, than a nip slip, for we can see almost her whole breast.

For those of you who don’t know who Kate Bosworth is, she was the cutie in “Win a Date with Tad Hamilton”, and most recently as Lois Lane, in “Superman Returns”. I believe her break, that started to make her known, was “Blue Crush”, the surfer chick movie, with Michelle Rodriguez. She’s not a super-star yet, but it seems she’s well on her way.

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Celebrity Nipple Slip - Ananda Lewis 39

Time & Date: September 5, 2006 @ 8:11 pm

Raise your hand if you remember who Ananda Lewis is! For those of you who don’t remember her, because she HAS kind of disappeared into obscurity, she used to be one of MTV’s VJs through the late 90’s and apparently, for part of the early years of the 21st century. I don’t remember seeing her after the 90’s were over, though. Then again, I never watch MTV anymore, either. And like most of MTV’s famed VJs, after their run on on the network is over, they end-up in nowheresville. At least Amnerican Vjs. I have no idea what kind of career it started for VJs from other countries.

I always hated Ananda Lewis’ voice, but she was always easy on the eyes. Especially, when she was doing a beach or Spring Break show. From what I remember, she had that athletic hottie look going on; wearing clothes that ran more along the lines of work-out gear, more than anything. This nip slip photo of Ananda is even proves my point more, that she’s definitely one sexy female, whether she’s a has-been celebrity or she’s just on a down-slope in her career.

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Celebrity Nipple Slip - Lindsay Lohan 2 0

Time & Date: August 17, 2006 @ 9:30 pm

Oh, Lindsay Lohan. We just love all the little peep shows you have been giving us, lately. I guess a tiny, little thang like her has a hard time keeping those big, fake tits under control, and under wraps. A lucky break for us! ;)

Lindsay Lohan is another celebrity I’ve commented on before (see link in first paragraph), so there’s not a whole lot left for me to say about her. Although, I know she furiously denies allegations of cocaine abuse, Lindsay IS looking quite skinny for a normal human being. Then again, skinny cocaine using babes have never stopped me before.

**UPDATE - It appears that nipples and tits aren’t the only thing body parts Linsay Lohan has been inadvertantly showing.

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