Drunk and Horny Party Girl Licking Box 5

Time & Date: June 25, 200 @ 5:25 pm

I would say it’s fairly normal to see a couple of drunk chicks making-out at a party, these days. I used to think they were just putting on a show to get us guys all wound up, but I recently heard a girl say that that’s not necessarily the case. She said that’s how her lust for women started, by making-out with other girls for her boyfriend(s) at parties, that turned into threesomes, and then into full-on lesbianism.

Although this public display of exhibitionism is obviously not accidental, it never ceases to amaze me how far girls will go with other chicks while drunk and in front of other people. If these two party girls claim that they are 100% straight, they’re only fooling themselves. I realize girls are a bit more flexible on same sex intimacy, but dropping trou and getting your box chowed at a party is a little more than just being drunk, horny and wild. Don’t get me wrong, though. I ain’t complaining. ;)

Free Sites:
Drunk Galleries / Chowing Teen Box / Indie Nudes

Sponsored By:
Crazy Party Girls

Check Out My 9 Incher 5

Time & Date: February 25, 200 @ 8:43 am

I have a new site up and running semi-smooth and it’s now live! There’s still a few minor bugs, but nothing that would prevent you from enjoying the site to it’s full potential.

I chose a nice and easy name for you to remember. It’s called “9 Incher“, and if you still have trouble remembering it, just think of me. ;) Normally, I tell you that there’s not much there yet, because it’s brand-spanking-new, but this time, I would be lying if I said that. There are already literally thousands of videos there in just a a week and growing everyday. The reason is because this site reads your favorite media sites’ RSS feeds and displays all their videos, pictures, flash animations and/or games all in one place, covering most categories! Some include: funny, extreme, fighting, sports, gaming and more!

Though 9 Incher is aimed towards general audiences, there is an “adult” section. The family-friendly filter is “on” by default, so just use the drop-down menu if you wish to view the adult content.

Cool New Tool to Boost Your Profile 0

Time & Date: February 3, 200 @ 4:12 pm

I just launched a new site. It’s not really “adult”, but I know a lot of you have your own profile/account on other social sites (such as: MySpace, Friendster, TagWorld, etc.) and I also know a lot of you take a lot of time “pimpin’” your profile, exactly to your liking. But what’s the point if no one can find/see your profile, among the sea of millions of other profiles out there?
That’s where Boost My Profile comes in.

For less than $2 USD a month, you can post your thumbnail picture, linked to your profile, and boost visitors. It works similar to the “Million Dollar Homepage”, where you select any pixel block (40X40) where you would like to be featured. The only difference is that we’re literally only a fraction of the cost of the “Million Dollar Homepage” and I’m not trying to make a million dollars off of you. ;)

After you select your pixel block, you just type-in your description, upload a photo and, voila! Once your link/photo is approved, you will get a month’s worth of fresh visitors to your profile. Not to mention, you can just browse other people’s profiles for free!

There are not many people there yet, but once we get it going, I foresee it to be a lot of fun! So, check out Boost My Profile to post your online profile or browse others.
Or check out our “friends” page for more profile boosters.

Again, there is no adult content (or allowed) here, though.

Your Porno Space - Free Porn Search 1

Time & Date: December 4, 2006 @ 10:47 pm

One of the reasons I don’t particularly enjoy surfing thumbnail gallery posts is, because when you click on the link, or thumbnail, you never know what you are going to get, or where you are going to go. In most cases, you just end up being sent to another thumbnail gallery post, and you never quite get to see the porn you really want to.

Along with eonpal technology, I have a new site up called, Your Porno Space, that indexes almost 2,000,000 (that’s two million for you non-math folk) free video and picture galleries, in just about every niche and fetish imaginable. No blind links to other sites. What you click-on is what you get. You will definitely find something you’ll like there. It’s a great site to bookmark and save for a rainy day, or any other day, really.

New Adult Social Network 42

Time & Date: October 10, 2006 @ 5:12 pm

Ok, everyone. I’ve been working on getting this new site up for quite a while. After many long server and script battles, I FINALLY got everything up and running.

Rocketship69 is a brand spanking new FREE social network for adults only. And when I say “adults”, I mean, men, women, couples, swingers; both straight or gay. What we’re shooting for is a cross between ‘Friendster’ and ‘Adult Friend Finder’ , so this means Rocketship69 has some very cool features. Some features include (but not limited to):

Customized Profiles
Your own blog and photo gallery (keep private or public)
Video Greetings
Friends Lists
Share/View More Videos & Photos in the Forums
Matchmaking & Flirting
Swinger Events & get-Togethers

And that’s just to name a few of our features!

I admit, there’s not much there now, because it’s literally that new! Technically, it’s in beta stage. You guys are hearing about this first, before I open it to the big public. I’ve been adding some nice amateur sex videos and photo galleries, there, and I’ll be adding more as we go along. This means that you can also share your dirty amateur/homemade videos, as well, because that’s what the site is all about.

Right now, it’s totally free. There’s no up-sales or even any advertising, at this point, but you must sign-up to be able to use all the features we have available. I probably will be charging in the future, but as my gift to all of you who are signing-up now and keeping the network alive & active, I will be giving you free lifetime memberships.

So check out Rocketship69, get your free account, start posting and have fun! :D

Oops! Fancy Night-Out Nipple Slip In Public 1

Time & Date: November 6, 2005 @ 10:27 pm

Every now and then I get together with a group of friends. We get all decked-out and meet at some fancy restaurant and pretend like we can actually afford it. Little does anyone else know that my beat-up, rust-ridden car is parked a few block away.

A group of close friends is a safe place to get ripped without it being totally embarassing. I mean, they probably have seen you do your worst anyway. What’s a little erect nipple slipping out of your top going to hurt?

Free Sites:
Amateurs Gone Wild / Extra Long Nipples / Accidental Voyeur

Sponsored By:
They Drunk

Accidental Downblouse Shot On Cute Party Girls 2

Time & Date: November 2, 2005 @ 3:30 pm

This is a great downblouse shot. One of the things I like the best about it (besides the obvious, of course), is that fact that she’s the one taking the picture. It’s one of them self-pictures and evidentaly she was too drunk to realize her tit/nipple was very visible.

I guess that’s the price women occasionally pay for fashion. Keep up the good work, ladies!

Free Sites:
Uncensored Drunks / Peep Hole Cams / Private Amateur Videos

Sponsored By:
Drunk Club Cuties

Back In Business 40

Time & Date: September 21, 2005 @ 4:36 pm

Hello to old fans and new surfers, as well. The original Drunk Nipple Slips blog was originally on Blogger.com, but was suddenly deleted by moderators, for no apparent reason(I was within full compliance of their TOS). They also deleted my entire archive, so unfortunately, you will notice some of my old posts as well as new ones, until we’re fully functional to where we used to be.

Anyway, I’m on my own servers now so no one will be able to censor my posts & pictures. Plus, I know have the ability to make this blog bigger & better than before. And that’s where I’m heading. Bookmark me & come back for plenty, plenty more