Downblouse Nip Slip on Party Girl Dancing 3

Time & Date: May 7, 200 @ 11:21 pm

I’m only guessing that these girls are drunk, because I can’t imagine a sober person willing to be dancing the Charleston in public. At least during this modern era. It looks like something a couple of girls, drunk from the open bar at a wedding, attempting to show off some moves. Not the “moves” I would be showing, but if it’s a couple of cute girls I can deal with watching them.

This is one of them nip slips where the camera was just at the right place, at the right time. She doesn’t appear to be wearing a trampy outfit or anything, so that nipple became visible at the same time this photo was snapped, by no real fault of her own, besides maybe not wearing a bra.

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Wasted Coed’s Nipple Slips Out of Her Bra 8

Time & Date: March 4, 200 @ 8:49 am

Whoa! Is she really that wasted or is she just swooning because a naked man is standing before her. Either way, it looks like she’s about to give it up whether she knows it or not, and her friends in the background seem to be in full support of it. I’m guessing it’s that girl’s birthday and her girlfriends decided to get her drunk and laid.

As I’m sure you have noticed by now, this drunk coed is so wasted that her big, natural boobs are coming out of her bra. Unfortunately, we don’t get full exposure of her massive mammaries, but we do see her nipple/areola slipping out into the open. I guess that’s what happens when a a busty girl has her shirt ripped open, is completely shitfaced and has a naked man holding her up.

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Uncensored Drunks / Party Galleries / Drunk 365

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Forced Titty Slip on Drunk College Girl 12

Time & Date: February 25, 200 @ 9:16 am

I like this guy’s spirit! He knows what he wants and he’s just taking it. Well, maybe not taking it, but he’s definitely showing it to the rest of us. And this drunk college girl doesn’t seem like she’s trying too hard to stop him from forcing her titty to be exposed to the public. In my book, that’s a very good sign that she’s super wasted and very willing.

I guess you really can’t consider this a titty slip, but her tit is exposed against her will, so that’s almost just as good. Especially when it’s a drunk and naive coed letting some guy feel her up and pull her boobs out while dancing at a party. They’re not too far from disappearing into some back room for some quick, sloppy, drunken sex. Sometimes, that’s the best kind of sex! ;)

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Drunk Girls / Couples Home Videos / Drunk College Pics

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Forced Nip Slip on Drunk College Girl 1

Time & Date: January 24, 200 @ 2:35 am

This looks like a sneak-attack to me. The ole “you sneak-up behind her, expose her tits and I’ll take the picture” trick. A pretty effective trick if you’re confident enough that you’re not going to suffer from a right-hook and a knee to the nuts, immediately afterwards. Either smart or lucky, this guy waited until she had some alcohol in her, first, before he forced a nip slip out of her.

Personally, I think I would have to be fairly tanked to have the cajones to pull a stunt like that, but I’m not THAT outgoing, either. I have a buddy that’s extremely ballsy in these situations, and completely sober. I’ve seen him grab strange women by the waist he’s passing on the street, and sticking his tongue down their throats, then walking away. He’ll even go as far as sliding his hand up their skirt, or feeling her up! The amazing thing is that they just swoon when he does this. The few that slap him or push him away in disgust, end-up giving him their phone numbers later on. I don’t know how he does it.

Free Sites:
Drunk Galleries / Rate Nude Girls / My Drunk Teens

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Wild College Parties

Drunk Coed’s Loose Bra Exposes Her Nipple 4

Time & Date: December 21, 2006 @ 3:41 pm

Ah, yes. Cute, drunk coeds running around in just their bras. This way, they can be a little naughty, but not necessarily regret it the next morning. The only avenue they forgot to cover was the horny dude with the camera, snapping downblouse photos, or down-bra, in this case. Actually it looks like a self-shot, so we can even blame some drunk pervert of this downblouse/nipple slip.

Yes, you do have to look closely to see her exposed nipple/areola, but it is visible. Plus, I like the fact that she doesn’t seem like the type of girl that would get drunk and naked in front of a group of horny frat dudes, so it makes it hotter that she’s accidentally exposing herself, even though it is really only a partial nip slip. But a nipple’s a nipple. :mrgreen:

Free Sites:
Drunk Galleries / Buck’s Voyeur Links / My Drunk Teens

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Silly Drunk Coeds

Drunk Party Girl’s Nipple Slips Out of Her Bra 0

Time & Date: November 27, 2006 @ 9:27 pm

Obviuosly, this drunk party girl’s sweater didn’t accidentally fly-up, over her boobs, but her nip slip DOES look accidental, in my opinion. It appears she exposed her bra-covered boobs while dancing, but her natural breast just jiggled itself right out into the open. Her nip slip is definitely significant enough that the fellas in the room have taken notice.

I don’t know what the rest of those party girls look like, but our girl with her nipple(s) exposed is definitely a hottie. If this is her normal reaction after a few cocktails, just imagine getting her alone, so you can get your own private viewing of her boobies, and the rest of her naked body. In my experiences, exhibitionist babes are always wild in the sack. ;)

Free Sites:
Drunk Galleries / Dumpster Sluts / Sexy, Drunk & Funny

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Crazy Party Girls

Drunk Party Girl Accidentally Slips Her Titty 9

Time & Date: November 18, 2006 @ 8:39 pm

There’s something about a group of hot, cute coeds, partying together, with no men around, that makes me really want to spy-on or listen in on their conversation. I’ve always wanted to know if they actually have girlie pillow fights in their skimpy, little nighties when we’re not around. If they’re all drunk and horny, does it really evolve into a lesbian orgy, just because there are no men there to satisfy them? I think I’ve been watching too much porn lately.

It looks to me that this group of cute coeds are getting tanked while camping, or at some sort of all-girl camp. Apparently, all these girls carelessly leaning into eachother, has resulted in one of the party girl’s full titty accidentally slipping right out of her bikini. Now in my fantasy, one or more of the other girls leans in and starts sucking on the exposed girl’s nipples, while the rest strip-down to the nude and go into an orgasmic lesbian lick fest.

Free Sites:
Home Made Videos / Drunk College Pics / Stile Project

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Drunk Girls’ Night Out

Cute Party Girl Slips Her Nipple in Public 5

Time & Date: November 13, 2006 @ 7:14 pm

I usually prefer smaller tits on women. One of the reasons why I do is because in most cases, the smaller the tit, the better the nipple. So many women with smaller tits have these awesome long and erect nipples. Since I’ve been blogging about nip slips, another reason I love smaller titties is because they slip so easily from tops, like this cute, little party girl.

I’m not sure if this chick is actually drunk or not, but the cocktail dress tells me that she isn’t cleaning the house, and an evening of “tying-one-on” could easily result in her dress slipping down, revealing her little nipples to the public, without her knowledge.

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Candid Crush

Oops! Drunk Coed Slips Her Nipple at a Party 4

Time & Date: November 9, 2006 @ 11:47 pm

Technically, I guess this would be considered an areola slip, or a partial nip slip, but it’s still pretty sexy no matter what you want to call it. Especially with all that wonder cleavage in a small area, there was bound to be a nipple slip or two among someone in the bunch. If I saw these coeds out together, all dressed like they are, I think I would be following them around all night with a camera, just waiting for any nipple or titty to slip out of their blouse(s). Actually, I would probably be trying to get one, or all, of them to came back to my place and get them complately out of their clothes.

Unfortunately, it looks like most of the breasteses look to be plastic, where I prefer all-natural, but on the other hand, boobs are boobs, and I’ll take what I can get. Judging by the girls in this bunch, I would bet at least one of them will be exposing herself to a strange man, that night. I just wish I was that man. :mrgreen:

Free Sites:
Drunk Galleries / Peep Hole Cams / Accidental Voyeur

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Wild College Parties

Party Girls Do a Public Lesbo Sex Show 10

Time & Date: October 22, 2006 @ 5:48 am

This is a bit more hardcore than I normally get here, but how could I pass up a photo of chick finger-fucking her girlfriend in the butt, in front of a group of party people? I mean, it’s not often a girl drops trau in a middle of a party, let alone let her friend ream her butthole with a couple fingers, in the process.

I can tell by the drinks and that there are several people standing around, so it’s at least some kind of party. And either these girls are super wasted or they’re full-on, hardcore exhibitioists; but I think even practicing exhibitionists show some restraint, in normal socitety. I’m just wondering if anyone else got to take turns sticking something of theirs in her a butthole, after her friend was done. I dare to dream.

Free Sites:
Exhibitionism / Stile Project / Drunk Girl Galleries

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Crazy Party Girls

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