Wasted Girl’s Ass Exposed in Public

Time & Date: October 31, 200 @ 2:58 am

Besides nipples and tits, of course, I just love a girl’s heart-shaped hiney. Especially when she’s exposing it in public, or better yet, to me, in private. I can’t figure out if this wasted party girl is pulling up her skirt, flashing us her little ass, or did her friend quickly lift her skirt for the camera. Either way, I would be trying to take a bite, too, but probably not by using a spoon.

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19 Responses to “Wasted Girl’s Ass Exposed in Public”

  1. Whip Said:

    That is one sexy ass. Keep the pics coming, guy.

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  3. Jake Said:

    been over a month.. i hope Admin didn’t lose his password again

  4. Diego Martins Said:

    This blog was better…

  5. lucky bastard Said:

    Site is dead- Downblouse.it needs to take it off the partners

  6. Jimmy Said:

    Post an update damnit

  7. Jimmy Said:

    This is so stupid. C’mon, follow through!

  8. Jimmy Said:

    Attention site admin: Either update the site, or pass the reins on to someone who will.

  9. Jimmy Said:


  10. James Said:

    So um, this is a really nice website, and it would be cool if whoever runs it gives the site to someone else who is willing to do it. Actually, if you read this, and you are willing, you should say so, and then contact the admin.


  11. Jimmy Said:

    The admin is awake, obviously. He removed at least four posts from this entry.

    So Mr. Admin, hows about an update?

  12. College Girls Said:

    I see the posts above want updates…Im taking a bit of the slack up with my blog but I would love to take over this site. If the admin is reading this I will buy this site and bring it back up to its formal glory!

    Edit: First time my comment was considered spam…please contact me.

    Email me to talk about a price please.

  13. James Said:

    You should do what College Girls says!

  14. Elisa Said:

    eRock, I’ve got enough content that you can use for free that will keep this site going for another 2 years. Just came across it, and thought immediately about you! haha

    Hit me up.

  15. College Girls Said:

    I didn’t here from him so I am guessing this site will slowly die. It really is a shame. Sorry guys I tried.

  16. Andrew Webber Said:

    This might be of interest. Lots of slip-nips in the fashion world.



  17. Angela Said:

    Jimmy or James will not be doing anything with this site!!!!!!
    He is a married man.

  18. Jay Said:

    Angela sounds like she must be Jimmys wife. Did some one get busted?

  19. Angela Said:

    Yes I’m his wife . Thisw web site is terrible. I guess his friend told him about this stupid site. We just got married a year ago he does not need to be looking at this trash… I’m way better than these trashy girls.