Drunk Girl Gets Her Nipple Licked 1

Time & Date: October 4, 200 @ 12:13 am

Although, not as voyeuristic as catching a nip slip, any nipple (from a woman, of course) making a public appearance, or private for that matter, is a-okay with me! Especially, when there’s another drunk cutie’s tongue wrapped around it. Actually, it doesn’t look like she meant to expose her girlfriend’s nipple, so maybe it is an official “slip”.

I’m still wondering what it is about alcohol that turns so many girls into instant lesbians. I’m not complaining, or anything. I mean, I much rather have them drunk, horny and alone with me, but if not, the next best thing is them with another woman. As long as I get to watch, of course. ;)

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Drunk Club Girl Lets Her Nip Slip 5

Time & Date: October 2, 200 @ 2:17 am

This chick must really be shaking and boogying, because her blouse doesn’t look like it would easily let her nip slip out. And the fact that she doesn’t even realize her boobie bouncing out, into public view, tells me that she is a bit on the tipsy tip. It’s either that, or she’s just distracted by some drunken horndog grinding his pecker into her ass. Whatever the case, it worked out nicely for us.

Actually, I kind of wish I was sandwiched between the two girls in the background of this photo, but you really got to follow the nudity. The easier and quicker it is to get her naked, the better. Plus, you have girl that’s got some alcohol in her already and your just about as good as gold for the night. Just as along as she doesn’t have that ugly friend that plays defense for her while she’s drinking and being hit-on.

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Downblouse Nip Slip on Cute Club Girl 4

Time & Date: June 21, 200 @ 12:46 am

You have to look closely, but we have a nice downblouse view of this cute club girl’s bare nipple. Well, actually I don’t know if she’s cute, but her girlfriend is pretty sexy, and from what I can see, she also has a cute pair of tits. That’s a good start in my book! Just add alcohol and you’re in business. ;)

This nip slip wasn’t necessarily due to her being drunk and careless. I mean, she might be drunk, but the camera was at the right place, at the right time. Being that guy at the club who carries around the camera, snapping photos of everyone really does pay-off, sometimes.

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Uncensored Drunks / Drunk 365 / Stile Project

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Drunk Club Cuties

Drunk Club Girl Slips Her Nip While Dancing 2

Time & Date: March 26, 200 @ 9:39 pm

I don’t know what’s going on here. I think she’s doing some kind of weird booty dance, while hanging over the DJ booth. If the chick in the yellow, dancing behind our slipee, was a dude, I would think they were doing it on the dance floor. Apparently, she doesn’t notice her very visible nip slip, because it’s her whole titty hanging out in the open. I would think she would be aware of that.

I always love when chicks go without a bra on, but when there’s barely any material, loosely clinging on to those braless bosoms, with plenty of possibilities of accidental exposure; well, that just drives me crazy. I think I’ve seen more nip slips with women wearing tops, such as this one. The great thing is that their tits/nipples easily can slip out each side. I love where women’s fashion is going; they just keep getting closer and closer to being completely naked.

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Exhibitonism / Stile Project / Teen Amateurs

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Sex in the VIP

Forced Titty Slip on Drunk College Girl 12

Time & Date: February 25, 200 @ 9:16 am

I like this guy’s spirit! He knows what he wants and he’s just taking it. Well, maybe not taking it, but he’s definitely showing it to the rest of us. And this drunk college girl doesn’t seem like she’s trying too hard to stop him from forcing her titty to be exposed to the public. In my book, that’s a very good sign that she’s super wasted and very willing.

I guess you really can’t consider this a titty slip, but her tit is exposed against her will, so that’s almost just as good. Especially when it’s a drunk and naive coed letting some guy feel her up and pull her boobs out while dancing at a party. They’re not too far from disappearing into some back room for some quick, sloppy, drunken sex. Sometimes, that’s the best kind of sex! ;)

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Drunk Girls / Couples Home Videos / Drunk College Pics

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Crazy Party Girls

Downblouse Nip Slip on Dancing Club Girl 1

Time & Date: February 5, 200 @ 3:54 pm

I think this is one of them shots where it was completely a coincidence that her nipple was visible in the photo. I mean, some shots are taken only because someone noticed a nip slip on a girl, but then there’s the photos where no one even noticed, besides a carefully trained eye. It’s not like her boob bounced right out of her blouse, but a carefully timed snapshot caught her nipple, by way of down her blouse, making a quick, little appearance.

This chick doesn’t look like you’re average party girl (unless she’s just some drunk coed), which makes it hotter to see her nipple(s), because she doesn’t seem like the type of girl that shows those puppies to just anyone. My only complaint is that we don’t get a better look, but nip slips are very rare, so I’ll take what I can get! :mrgreen:

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Uncensored Drunks / Dumpster Sluts / Party Galleries

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Wild Club Girls

Drunk Party Girl Lets Her Nipples Slip 1

Time & Date: January 25, 200 @ 11:47 am

Something tells me that this obviously drunk party girl has no hang-ups about her nipples, or boobs for that matter, being exposed to the public. An abundance of Mardi Gras style beads covering her chest or not, you don’t see too many girls ordering a drink at the bar while topless. Especially girls as cute as this one. If you look closely, you will notice one of her nipples slipping into the public eye, from in-between her beads.

It seems kind of strange that everyone around her, and including her, are so nonchalant about her outfit, or lack thereof. I would just think that she would have a swarm of drunk and annoying dudes surrounding her, hoping they will be the one lucky guy who will be able to score with her. If I were there, I would probably end up being one of those dudes, too.

Free Sites:
Exhibitionism / Couples Home Videos / Drunk 365

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Sexy Bartender Lets Her Nipples Slip 6

Time & Date: January 22, 200 @ 12:22 pm

I just think it’s hot when a woman’s boobs are busting out of her top, or bra. To me, it gives the illusion that those tits are so spectacular that they can’t be contained, but she’s doing everything she can to be a lady. Either that, or she’s so shit-faced drunk and sloppy that she’s the furthest thing from a lady, and she’s just letting it all hang out, so to speak.

There’s really no way to tell if this chick is just drunk or not. I know bartenders are not supposed to be getting drunk behind the bar, but I don’t know of one bartender that doesn’t drink while working. Then again, there’s always the possibility that this sexy bartender is purposely letting her nipples/areolas slip out of her bra. I don’t know about you, but I would keep tipping her to get her to come over to fill my drink again, just to get another gander at that cleavage and her nipples slipping.

Free Sites:
Uncensored Drunks / Stile Project / Voyeur Sexpert

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Hardcore Partying

Sexy Upskirt Shot of Dancing Club girl 1

Time & Date: January 16, 200 @ 3:58 am

It’s been a while since I’ve posted a nice upskirt shot of some party girl’s barely thong-covered clam. Of course, if she were wearing no panties at all underneath her skirt, it would be much better, but I think you would agree that this is still a very sexy photo. I mean, I know I wouldn’t mind poking my head up her skirt and let her gyrate and grind on my tongue.

I think it’s the invention of the camera-phone, or other small, palm-sized cameras, that have led to the influx of upskirt photos of cute girls, both with panties and without any panties. Especially from club girls dancing, because they’re all caught up in the moment and aren’t watching for perverts, like us, sticking their camera-phone up her skirt and between her legs, snapping photos of her puss. God bless all you sneaky photographers! :mrgreen:

Free Sites:
Rate Nude Girls / Nude Club Pics / Buck’s Voyeurs

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Party Girl Upskirts

Downblouse Shot on Drunk Girl at a Bar 0

Time & Date: January 12, 200 @ 4:31 am

It’s tough to spot the nip slip on this obviously wasted girl, but if you follow that wonderful cleavage down her blouse, towards the tips of her boobs, you will see more of, what I like to refer to, an areola slip. Not a completely visible nipple, but clearly some sort of accidental exposure or slipage. I’m really wondering that if her long, blonde locks weren’t in the way, if we would have gotten a much bigger nipple slip on her other boob.

I think this drunk chick is pretty sexy. I love what she’s about to do to that bottle neck. She looks kind of dumb with that $100 dollar bill on her forehead, but if she comes hot, drunk and with $100, you won’t hear any arguments from me. Especially when her boobs are already about to pop out in public, right onto the table, like you’re being welcomed with a red carpet, down her blouse and eventually into her pants.

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Drunk Galleries / Stile Project / Couples Home Videos

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